In 2019, Sharks Volleyball burst onto the scene like a fin-tastic wave. Directors Ned and Keaton, with their keen sense of opportunity, decided to dive into the world of volleyball. They noticed that many skilled players were swimming against the current, struggling to secure the same opportunities as those who had more time already playing for other clubs.

Fast forward a few years and it was clear that this inequity also affected junior athletes, leaving them in deep water. So, as true volleyball “fin-atics”, Ned and Keaton took the plunge and transformed Sharks Volleyball into a private organisation. Their goal? To ensure that all players, whether seasoned or fresh to the water, had a fair chance to ride the volleyball tide and become true "sharks" of the game.

The birth of Sharks

Directors Ned and Keaton - 2019
Photographer: Richard B.

Our pup (baby shark) years

In Queensland, there weren't as many junior development programs as there are fish in the sea. But from 2019 to 2022, we've seen a whopping 36% increase in junior athlete participation, and that's not even counting the growing frenzy of primary school-aged and junior beach volleyball athletes in Queensland.

Just like sharks cruising through the waves, our journey to nurture young talent and create fantastic opportunities in the world of volleyball has had its fair share of challenges. We had to sink our teeth into establishing our credibility, making our programs accessible to all, and charting the right player pathways.

Coach Tyson // Weekly Junior Session 2023 - Term 2
Photographer: Richard B.

Finding Our Teeth

You see, we knew we had the bite to make a difference. So, we rolled up our sleeves and designed a range of programs catering to everyone's needs, ensuring no one was left floundering. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. We also decided to "fin-troduce" some professional Volleyballers into the Frenzy, like Max Senica, Alisha Stevens, and many others, to help us take the plunge and make it all happen. Together, we're turning the tide for junior athletes in Queensland Volleyball.

Weekly Junior Session 2022 - Term 3
Photographer: Richard B.

Off to the great big ocean!

Here's the scoop: We're on a mission to go nationwide, providing foundational development for volleyball enthusiasts all across Australia. But that's not all. We're also super pumped to show everyone just how awesome this sport can be. Our goal is to share the volleyball love with as many people as possible, inspiring players and fans along the way, and hoping to see some of our Sharkies make it all the way to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics!

Sharks Volleyball Frenzy - 2023
Meet the Frenzy